
回答如下:Cleaning and Organizing at Home

If you’re planning to spend the day cleaning and organizing your home, here are some useful phrases to help you get started:

1. I’m going to start by decluttering my bedroom.

2. First, I’ll go through my closet and get rid of anything I don’t wear.

3. I’ll also clean out my dresser drawers and donate any clothes that don’t fit.

4. Next, I’ll dust all the surfaces in my room, including my nightstand and bookshelf.

5. I’ll vacuum the floors and wash the windows to let in more natural light.

6. In the kitchen, I’ll start by clearing off the countertops and wiping them down.

7. I’ll go through my pantry and throw out any expired food.

8. Then, I’ll organize my fridge and freezer, making sure to label everything.

9. I’ll scrub the sink and stove, and mop the floors.

10. Finally, I’ll tackle the bathroom, cleaning the toilet, sink, and shower.

11. I’ll also wipe down the mirrors and re-stock any necessary toiletries.

12. Once everything is clean and organized, I’ll sit back and enjoy my tidy home!


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