

有利于的短语:contribute to employment 有利于就业扩展资料1、The thing is to go say is that we have things to do that are good for you that are also good for all of us.所以正确的做法是,告诉大家我们有些事情要做,它不仅对你有好处,而且也有利于我们所有人。

英语翻译 我方的观点是顺境有利于成长,当然我方也并不否认逆境也可以成长,但是我们认为顺境比

  • 英语翻译 我方的观点是顺境有利于成长,当然我方也并不否认逆境也可以成长,但是我们认为顺境比逆境更有利与成长。
  • Our view is grows in prosperity, of course, we also do not deny that adversity can also grow, but we think better than better and growth.


  • Edelweiss,Love me terder,Que Sera Sera,When a child 护盯篙故蕻嘎戈霜恭睛is bornMy heart will go on,Moonlight on the Colorado,Yesterday once more,Beautiful Solo,The last waltz,You are my sunshineOld black Joe,Cradle song,Over the summer sea,Take me homecountry road,The end of the world,Changing partners,Oh!Susanna,Santa Lucia,Moon river,Auld lang syne,My Bonnie,Home sweet home,Do-Re-Mi,Old folks at home,Silent night,Long long ago,Jingle bells,Paloma blanca,Wish you a merry 都还不错。


  • What harm can the robot do people? Robot has played an important role in the industries and peoples daily life. Robot can do many things that are hard or impossible for men to敞礌搬啡植独邦扫鲍激 do. Robot has replaced people to do many boring jo机器人,英语,有弊What harm can the robot do people? Robot has played an important role in the industries and peoples daily life. Robot can do many things that are hard or impossible for men to do. Robot has replaced people to do many boring jo


  • 凡事有利长触拜吠之杜瓣森抱缉有弊 [网络] It is an ill wind that blows nobody any good; 凡事 [词典] everything; [例句]凡事要小心。Be careful in all things.


  • 你能找百度翻译吗?Condu单互厕就丿脚搽协敞茅cive to physical and mental health


  • under an advantage position 处于有利地位


  • exercise is good for your health


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  • 老友记和绝望主妇与美国漫画相比,哪个更有利涪骇帝较郜记佃席顶芦于练习英语听力?(要纯英文字幕好还是中英文字幕好?)我初三的
  • 你练习听力的话还是看美剧吧