


always英 [??:lwe?z] 美 [??lwez,-w?z,-wiz]

always 基本解释

副词:常常; 总是,老是; 永远,始终; 不断地。

always 同义词

副词:all the time forever

always 反义词

副词:seldom sometimes

always 相关例句

1. I’m always misplacing my glasses.


2. You can always resign if you feel unhappy.


3. He always dines at the same place.


4. A great scholar is not always a very wise man.


5. I shall always remember my first day at school.



  • 因为交不起学费,但又很想学,所以自学英语
  • 学一门外语是要下苦功夫的,也是笨功夫。没有任何捷径可以投机取巧,那些广告每天学5分钟,3个月以后英语无障碍都是骗人的。每天学习5分钟等于没学。我大学踩线4级,很差的底子。后面我因为兴趣爱好,自学的,单词背了忘 忘了背,是非常正常的事情。为了能无字幕(英文字幕也没有)看懂外国脱口秀,我每天盲听,然后听不懂就截段一直听,然后地铁上看英文小说,晚上背单词,看脱口秀,每天找和老外同事聊天,没事就自己用英文和自己对话,就这样,我坚持了2年,才能做到和老外接近无障碍沟通,不管对方是哪个国人有什么口音,语速多快,我都能听懂。上半年考了雅思总分7.5(听8 说7.5 读7.5 写6)写作不说了,狗屎一样·····学习全靠自己坚持,每人会逼你,除了你自己,当然想放弃也只有你自己。


  • The ultimate goal of everyones career is two, one is for fame, the other is for profit. Everyone cant escape fame and fortune. Its just that some people are hard to succeed in their career and always fail. While some people have a fruitful career. The larger the scale of their career, the better their career will be. Many people may know the reason for this phenomenon. Everything is fate. Its up to people to predict their career. Next, we will introduce the eight characters of fruitful career in detail. Lets take a look at the people who have made such great achievements in their career.The wounded officer has the same social reputation as the seven killers. When the injured officials are effective, they will also show arrogance and selfishness, look down on people who are inferior to themselves, think about problems with self-centered, like freedom, unrestrained, flattering, and vain. Whether a person can make suanmianzhun.com money depends not only on the wealth itself, but also on the source of wealth? Money without a source is dead money. Those who have a fruitful career will have a source of wealth, and there are many sources of wealth. It is for the sake of food injury to make money. Wealth begets officials and career success.Food injury represents the talent and talent of the Japanese Lord. The eight characters can bring food injury to the financial star, which means that the Japanese Lord can transform his talent and wisdom into theoretical economic benefits. Such people often make money, so they are very suitable for entrepreneurship and wealth. They only need the common good fortune, and can obtain good results in the field of trade.
  • 人活着还是糊涂点好,她赚钱也是为了你们的将来,对她好点,你吃一个鸡蛋难道还找到哪只鸡下的,会赚钱的人,有的是机会


  • 考研英语作文总是写超时,还有两天了,怎么办!!!今天准备了2014年的卷子做测试,大作文超时十分钟,小作文超时两分钟,这就意味着考试的时候可能会答不完…之前背了很多模版,也练习过近十年的真题作文,每次都卡时间,差不多35分钟内就能做完。但最近快考碃辅官盒擢谷规贪海楷试了,继续练作文发现老超时,怎么办啊…求指点!!!
  • 在阅读题节约时间


  • 系统可能有一些小问题

我的朋友总是使我快乐 英语是什么

  • My friends always make me happy


  • Jim always thought of himself as a superman.


  • 多做题