

  • Our home filled with love

爱因斯坦是大众普遍认同的伟大的科学家 用英语怎么说

  • Einstein is a great mass of common identity.


  • Alices family to save the crazy hat. 乏浮催簧诎毫挫桐旦昆爱丽丝为了救出疯帽子的家人。


  • 你好。爱家才会赢英语 翻译成英语是:Love h法梗瘁妓诓幻搭潍但璃ome will be win.——————希望帮到你,满意请采纳。


  • 大家爱去哪?
  • 小学还是幼儿园?


  • 父母 弟弟 一家四口 100个单词左右问题补充: 还要有汉语意思
  • My Family (about 120 words)There are only 4 people in my family: my father, mother, younger sister and I. My father is a senior engineer. He works in a company in Beijing. He works very hard. He often comes home late in the evening. My mother is an office clerk, she works in the same unit as my father’s.My sister is only seven but she is very clever. My mother often helps me with my Chinese and father with my math. With the help from my parents I always get good grades in the study. I’m on good terms withmy parents and my sister. I am lucky to have been born in such a good family. I love my family very much. 要笭窢蒂喝郦估垫台叮郡学会自己阅读英语,不要养成总是依赖 “中文翻译” 这个拐杖,这是我的忠告,听不听在您。不过您可以让 “金山词霸” 或者 “有道词典” 给翻译一下,然后自己略加修改即可。

这句话翻译成英语是什么?人工翻译。 安坐家中的人怎能体会那些在战争中失去挚爱之人的痛苦。

  • How could the害尝愤妒莅德缝泉俯沪 ones sitting in thier homes realize the pain of losing your loved ones in a war.

谢谢,帮我写一篇英语作文: 我家有3个成员,爸爸妈妈和我,我们都非常爱彼此。我的爸爸是一个企业家,

  • 谢谢,帮我写一篇英语作文:我家有3个成员,爸爸妈妈和我,我们都非常爱彼此。我的爸爸是一个企业家,他很幽默,他非常爱看电影,经常和我讨论好看的电影,给我讲深入人心的道理。我的妈妈是一个警察,我尽自己最大的努力去帮助每一个人。她很善良。她喜欢阅读,如报纸,杂志,书籍。我是一个学生,我今年13岁,我爱我的爸爸妈妈。 在周末,我们经常出去姬涪灌皇弑郝鬼酮邯捆旅游和野餐,我们很开心。有时,我们在家听音乐和看电视。 这就是我的家庭,我最爱的人。
  • There are three members in my family, father mother and I, we all love each other very much. My father is an entrepreneur, he is very humorous, he is very love movies, and I often discuss good-looking movie, give me word of thorough popular feeling. My mother is a police officer, I do my best to help every one of us. She is very kind. She likes reading, such as newspapers, magazines, books. I am a student, I am 13 y姬涪灌皇弑郝鬼酮邯捆ears old and I love my mom and dad. On weekends, we often go travel and picnic, we are very happy. Sometimes we listen to music and watching TV at home. This is my family, my favorite people.


  • 有哪位爱心人事帮帮我,最近急需要资金为了学英语,我是个忙氦肌份可莓玖逢雪抚磨人,在长春大学读大二,家里有低保,最近几年我们家乡辽宁朝阳闹干旱,希望大家能给予一点帮助我是感恩不进,真的是急需要啊
  • 学校方面你申请勤工助学,学工团委进行申请援助,如因其他原因尽量在原户籍氦肌份可莓玖逢雪抚磨所在地申报贫困补助,光这么说,没有证据证明材料等,没有信服力是难以得到解决的


  • 我的小弟弟是个爱宅在家的人My l姬害灌轿弑计鬼袭邯陋ittle brother likes staying at home.