

  • 求哪位大侠给一篇石油工程本科毕业论文里面的英文文献及翻译,1000+字,只要是石油工程的,啥都行,急等,谢谢!问题补充: 我邮箱:jx_kin(a)163.com
  • 石油工程本2


  • 求哪位大侠给一篇石油工程本科毕业论文里面的英文文献及翻译,1000+字,只要是石油工程的,啥都行,急等,谢谢!问题补充: 我邮箱:jx_kin(a)163.com
  • 石油工程本2

湖北鸿威石油技术开发有限公司 公司名英文翻译

  • 不要在线翻译的 那样的翻译很机械是错的
  • 湖北鸿威石油技术开发有限公司Hubei Hongwei Petroleum Technology Development Co., Ltd


  • 4. An agreement is signed between an international oil company and anational oil company to develop a concession. The contract calls for 20%royalty interest and 50% income tax rate. The oil production and the costprofile is shown below.Assumethat capitalized costs can be depreciated over a 10 year period once theproduction begins and using the double declining balance method with theremaining balance depreciated in year ten. The oil price is expected to be$20bbl assumed Constant.Ifthe host country requires that its participation interest is 51%, Assume thatthe Capitalized Costs is carried by the oil company. That is, the international oil company is responsible for financial investmentduring the exploration phase; however, it can recover 51% of the host country’s share if the project is successful. This recoverycan be made during the first year of production so long as the taxable incomeis not less than zero. Otherwise, it will be carried forward in the subsequentyears.问题补充: 解决一道题提高100 分,我能做得很有限。试题实在是不会做, 请高手专家帮帮忙。翻译:第三题:以下是一个项目的三个方案,如果MROR是15%,做出合适的选择。A.用ROR(IRR)方法。B.用PV(NPV)方法。表格内:初始投资、年收益、时间、残余价值。
  • 3.IRR法直接求内部收益率,用各年收益加余值折现(N÷(1+15)^t)比较比率。NPV法则计算净现值=-初始投资+求和(各年收益分别折现)+余值除以(1+15)^104.太长了吧……请问直接折现计算的话,障碍在哪里呢?