

翻译Time 词典1. (时间,光阴)

time: 虚度时光pass one’s time idly; 时光不早了。

It’s getting late. 我以观看商店橱窗来消磨时光。

I loitered away the time in looking through the shop windows.2. (时期,日子)times; years; days:想起往昔的美好时光 think of good old times: 度过一段非常愉快的时光have a rattling time

难忘的时光 英语短文

  • 问题补充: 复制的不采纳!!!!!
  • Time flies, from the momententering into the school with identity of a "small bean bag", tillnow, I act as the captain of the school bus and Teams member. From timidly walkinginto the classroom, till I take care of and manage the junior students, ha ha,I have become a big brother!In this happy time, there is successand failure, friendship and friction. Challenge goes with harvest and sweatwith tears. Those things, just like the stars in the Milky Way, are countless.But, all shine with bright starlight, all conspicuous.My proudest thing was to learnthe violin at the junior class, I practiced extremely every day. I practicedempty string in the morning, and music in the evening. I carried the violin andperformed in my class, everyone praised me playing well. At that time, learningthe violin was tired, but I felt very happy!At Grade One, Ipublished an article in the school newspaper for the first time. I won glorioussuccess at the final exam of the second grade: three subjects were all "100"+ 10 points.Rich andcolorful activities of the school are my favorite. I would take part in whethercreating composition or science and technology exhibition, as well as theculture festival with enthusiasm and came back with fruitful results everytime.My best is finearts and crafts! The art teacher likes me very much, chose me to be the head ofthe art community! I like working as propaganda committee member most, who is aright-hand man of the teacher. I decorate the pan……余下全文


  • 愿时光安然,你孩乏粉何莠蛊疯坍弗开我都好Wish time is peaceful, you and I are fine


  • time is easy to get old


  • [词典] time; times; days; years; [例句]我以观看商店橱窗来消磨时光。I loitered away the time in looking through the shop windows.


  • 好难


  • Time flies,afternoon is 发顶篡雇诂概磋谁单京coming in a tiny fraction.


  • Meeting the prettiest person of you in the sweetest times.Encountering the most beautiful person of you in the most romantic times.


  • 希望我们的友情像时光一样长久不老。Hope our friendship is like time for a l花俯羔谎薏荷割捅公拉ong time not old.

时光无法倒流,我们都不可能回到昔时(in reverse)怎么翻译成英语

  • Time never moves in 涪讥帝客郜九佃循顶末reverse, so we can never relive the past

任时光匆匆流去我只在乎你 翻译成英语

  • Any time in a hurry to flow to me only care about you 肠畅斑堆职瞪办缺暴画任时光匆匆流去我只在乎你