

amazing 正宗的美语,如果你经常看美剧或者美国电影就会经常听到!you are amazing.


一、释义不同 1、实力:实在的能力、力量,多指物资、兵力等。

2、能力:完成一项目标或者任务所体现出来的综合素质。二、出处不同 1、实力: 出处:元末 脱脱、阿鲁图等《宋书·武帝纪中》:“加太尉司马、 丹阳 尹 刘穆之 建威将军,配以实力。” 译文:加授太尉司马、丹阳尹刘穆之建威将军之名,以配他们实在的兵力。2、能力: 出处:《吕氏春秋·适威》:“民进则欲其赏,退则畏其罪,知其能力之不足也!” 译文:百姓前进就要他奖赏,后退就害怕他治罪,知道自己做事情的技巧不足。三、英文翻译不同 1、实力:strength。2、能力:ability。





厉害了我的姐 用英语怎么说

  • 厉害了我的姐 用英语怎么说
  • great, my sister.


  • For example, some people have good fortune, but they have good fortune in the first half of their life, but they have bad fortune in the second half of their life. In this way, it turns out that the Chinese New Year of Wang Laowu is not as good as that of Wang Laowu, and some people have the same wealth information, but the former is very poor. At the beginning, it is very hard and rough, and it is not easy to seek wealth After middle age, wealth began to improve, and it became easier and easier to seek wealth. According to the eight character book yuanhaiziping, it is a humble life to be rich first, and a lucky life suanmianzhun.com to be poor first. So what kind of fortune is good fortune and good fortune? Next, this paper forecasts the financial situation in eight words, and then makes a detailed explanation around this problem.Lu means clothing, eating, drinking, enjoying and so on. In modern times, it is regarded as a salary, a tool for ones own enjoyment or occupation, which can be understood as wealth. In the eight characters, Lu can be regarded as wealth when there is no food God or injured officials, or when there is no money in the eight characters. Jialu in Yin, Yilu in Mao, bingwulu in Si, dingqilu in noon, genglu in Shen, Xinlu in you, Renlu in Hai, Guilu in Zi. Lu is a ready-made blessing, and its premise is that Yin generates Lu. Lu also for the body, the meaning of hard work, to Lu to get wealth, hard to get money.
  • 你老公也太厉害了吧,能写出这样的英文,不赚钱也难呀。


  • 厉害= 极端的高手=Extreme expert

“厉害,无敌”用英语怎么说最好Ive got

  • 为您解答可以依上下文看对谁来说,译为Ive got to hand it to 怠单糙竿孬放茬虱长僵youhimherthem.


  • severe 英 [sv] 美 [svr] adj. 严峻的;严厉的;剧烈的;苛刻的[ 比较级 severer 最高级 severest ]


  • Wow, you are so cool, you can type!