

knowledge英 [?n?l?d?] 美 [?nɑ:l?d?] n.了解,理解; 知识(表示多方面的知识时有复数knowledges这一用法); 学科; 见闻网络知识; 常识; 了解The boy’s knowledge was out of the ordinary. 这个男孩懂得的知识非比寻常


智慧的英文翻译是wisdom; intelligence; wit。

1、wisdom 英 [?w?zd?m] 美 [?w?zd?m] n. 智慧,明智;常识,好的判断力;知识,学问;古训1,I hope this book is not yet another restatement of the prevailing wisdom 我希望这本书不会又是重复一些流行的至理名言。

2、intelligence英 [?n?tel?d??ns] 美 [?n?t?l?d??ns] n.情报;智力;聪颖;情报机构She’s a woman of exceptional intelligence. 她是个有着非凡智慧的女子。

3、wit英 [w?t] 美 [w?t] n.机智;才智,智慧;富有机智的人;打趣话,玩笑话Boulding was known for his biting wit 博尔丁爱说尖酸的俏皮话是出了名的。扩展资料:smart也有聪明的意思英 [sm??:t] 美 [sm??:rt] 1、adj.聪明的;敏捷的;漂亮的;整齐的2、vi.疼痛;感到刺痛;难过3、n.创伤;刺痛;疼痛;痛苦4、vt.引起…的疼痛(或痛苦、苦恼等)5、adv.聪明伶俐地,轻快地,漂亮地第三人称单数: smarts 复数: smarts 现在分词: smarting 过去式: smarted 过去分词: smarted 比较级: smarter 最高级: smartest


  • 喘振是航空发动机的一种不正常工作状态,喘振严重危害了航空安全。随着中国的快速发展,中国将新建更多机场,开设更多航班,研发长海拜剿之济瓣汐抱搂更多飞机。航空安全愈发重要。喘振作为制约航空安全的重大隐患,当然引起重视。作者通读阅读大量航空发动机图书,询问老师与机务人员,系统、全面地了解喘振,得出了本论文。本论文详细地阐述了航空发动机喘振的现象、危害。航空发动机发生喘振的条件,并仔细分析航空发动机喘振产生的原理,提出了一系列的预防措施以及笔者自己对预防喘振自己的方法猜想。
  • The surge is aero engine a normal working 长海拜剿之济瓣汐抱搂state, the surge of serious harm to aviation safety. With the rapid development of China, China will build more airports, open more flights, more aircraft development. Aviation security is increasingly important. Surge as a major obstacle that restricts the aviation safety, of course, pay attention to. Author read through reading a large number of aviation engine books, ask teachers and maintenance personnel, system, a comprehensive understanding of surge, obtained in this paper. This paper expounds the harmfulness of engine surge phenomenon. Aero engine surge conditions, and careful analysis of engine surge generated by the principle, put forward a series of preventive measures, as well as the author to prevent surge their approach to conjecture.

一个英文词语应用的问题。 学习知识

  • 学习知识能用Learning knowledge吗英文中有Learning knowledge这个用法吗还是用获取知识?
  • 学习知识就是用的Learning knowledge


  • 1.The resulting test statistics are reported in Table 2 and clearly confirm that the null of no cointegration cannot be rejected in any case. Thus, we feel legitimized in proceeding by estimating VAR models in first differences, i.e. using the return series. 2. More precisely, all nearby futures series are constructed by rolling over on the same day that the previous contract 翻译一下,谢谢啦
  • 我也布吉岛。。。


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