

第二十:twentieth; 第三十: thirtieth; 第四十: fortieth; 第五十:fiftieth; 第六十: sixtieth; 第七十: seventieth; 第八十 :eightieth; 第九十 : ninetieth;


  • 缺定语选d


  • forget doing sth指忘记做某事forget to do doing指忘记以前做过的事(忘记 这件事被我或者别人做过 这么个事实)望采纳谢谢`


  • CD

第三十道题答案是b,但是为啥不可以选d呢 英语题

  • 第三十道题答案是b,但是为啥不可以选d呢英语题如题
  • in thefront of是指在前面 不是照片里的前面 而是实际地理上有座山在这张照片的前面


  • In his own lifetime Galileo was the centre of violent controversy; but the scientific dust has long since settled, and today we can see even his famous clash with the Inquisition in something like its proper perspective。
  • lesson32 A 1.She is as clever as her sister. 2.He can run as fast as I am. 3.That bok is as interesting as this one. 4.This CD isnt as good as that one. 5.She doesnt speak English as well as I do. B 答案不唯一。 C much,fewer,a little,less,a few,many,fewer,little,many,few D b,c,c



  • In his own lifetime Galileo was the centre of violent controversy; but the scientific dust has long since settled, and today we can see even his famous clash with the Inquisition in something like its proper perspective。
  • lesson32 A 1.She is as clever as her sister. 2.He can run as fast as I am. 3.That bok is as interesting as this one. 4.This CD isnt as good as that one. 5.She doesnt speak English as well as I do. B 答案不唯一。 C much,fewer,a little,less,a few,many,fewer,little,many,few D b,c,c