



英[n??z] 美[no?z]


n. 鼻子; 嗅觉; 芳香,香气;突出的部分;

vt. 嗅出,闻出;用鼻子触;用鼻子品评(酒)等;探出;

vi. 小心探索着前进;探问;


My nose is all bunged up.


She punched him on the nose and kicked him in the shins.





英文中的big nose 大鼻子指的是什么意思?

  • v
  • 表示好管闲事的人如果你想追叙这个词汇的来源 以下是一些材料 希望能帮助到你学习What Does it Mean to Be a "Big Nose"?not to be confused with the person who literally has a big nose, being a big nose indicates that the person in question is nosy, meddlesome, or intrusive into things that others view as being private. A big nose tends to get too involved in other people’s activities and may also be referred to as a busybody. This term is also frequently applied to investigators, police detectives, or other agency personnel that make it their business to know other people’s business. Someone might say, “The big nose was asking a lot of questions.”Terms like "big nose" are known as idioms. Idiomatic expressions can be interesting pieces of a language, but they can also sometimes be confusing, especially for people who are not fluent in the particular language in which they are used. “Raining cats and dogs” is an idiom, one that could obviously be very confusing. Clearly, it is an exaggerated descriptive phrase, and not meant to be taken literally in any way.Being a big nose may also be seen as exaggeration since in literal terms it has nothing to do with the actual size of that particular facial feature. It can be said that such a person leads with his nose, or sticks his nose where it doesn’t belong. Calling someone a big nose is another way of telling that person, “Mind your own business.” While it might not seem very polite to use such terms, it is not polite to invade another person’s pri……余下全文


  • 咖啡,太阳,鼻子,树的英文翻译求大神解
  • 咖啡coffee,太阳sun ,鼻子nose,树tree


  • 大象的鼻子Elephants nose


  • 翻译成英文
  • 翻译如下我有两只大眼睛,一个小鼻子I have two big eyes, a small nose.


  • 你好!鼻子nose 英[nz] 美[noz] n. 鼻子; 嗅觉; 芳香,香气; 突出的部分; vt. 嗅出,闻出; 用鼻子触; 用鼻子品评(酒)等; 探出; vi. 小心探索着前进; 探问; [例句]She wiped her n掸盯侧故乇嘎岔霜唱睛ose with a tissue她用纸巾擦了擦鼻子。


  • 他们把蜡烛放在南瓜里,这样烛光就能从眼睛和鼻子里透出来英文翻译They put ( ) in pumpkins so the light ( ) ( )the eyes and the noses
  • candles,comes through

英文歌,男歌手,大概是09年听到的,唱的时候隔一段有很大鼻子吸气声 特别温柔 忘记名字了

  • 鼻子的吸气声是为了配合唱歌故意弄出来的。歌速不快,好像没高音。一首歌下来好像是一个音似的!貌似就是这样了。知道的提醒吧。问题补充: 应该是2010年听到的。找了一年了。把英文歌听了一遍就是没找到。知道的谢谢了。告知一下吧
  • 这有点难啊


  • 翻译成英文
  • 翻译如下我有两只大眼睛,一个小鼻子I have two big eyes, a small nose.


  • 大象的鼻子Elephants nose