

挚爱 [zhì ài]true lovedevotion短语挚爱古典 LOVE CLASSICS挚爱宝贝 Love baby ; Baby love ; Dear beloved挚爱专辑 Cantilena相关例句:

1.在我看来她所真正挚爱的其实是她自己。I think the only one she really loves is herself.

2.它神话般的公园每年都是伦敦人的挚爱。Its fabulous parks are loved by Londoners all year round.

3.因为只有通过如同兄弟姐妹般的共同斗争与共同努力,我们才能作为上帝挚爱的子民完成我们最崇高的使命。For it is only through common struggle and common effort, as brothers and sisters, that we fulfill ourhighest purpose as beloved children of God.


以下是一些比”I love you”更浪漫的英文单词:

Forever: This word expresses a deep and unending love that lasts forever.

Eternity: This word conveys an endless love that will last for all eternity.

Endless: This word describes a love that is boundless, without limits or boundaries.

Unconditional: This word suggests a love that is free from conditions or expectations.

Infinite: This word signifies a love that is limitless and boundless, like the universe itself.

Pure: This word conveys a love that is pure and unadulterated, devoid of any negative emotions or influences.

Wholeheartedly: This phrase expresses a love that is wholeheartedly given, with no reservations or doubts.

Soulmate: This term refers to a person who is your perfect match, someone who shares your soul and complements your life in every way.

True love: This phrase encompasses all the qualities of a genuine and deep affection between two people.

Cherished: This word implies a love that is treasured and valued above all else, as if it were


  • 一生挚爱的英文love for the lifetimelifetime beloved

再见了 生命中的挚爱 英文怎么写

  • 再见了,生命中的挚爱。英文翻译:Goodbye, the 害弧愤旧莅搅缝些俯氓true love of life.重点词汇释义:再见:adieu; good-bye; see you again; Ill be seeing you.; So long.生命:life; vita; vivi-; bio-; anima挚爱:true love; 男名David有此含义。


  • 一生挚爱A lifetime of love