

I realize that what we ought to do and the rest not.


. I should learn to the spirit of fighting/philanthropy from what the author told us in the book/article.


We should realize who we are and what we want to be,from the leading character in the book.


We should cherish what we own now

此时彼地 读后感 英语

  • RT。求一篇英语版的读后感。不用太长两百字就够了。主要是包括情节内容。
  • 应该自己写,有真情实感吗


  • 有这几本书《夏洛特的网》《查理和巧克力工厂》《秘密花园》《玛蒂尔达》《魔柜小奇兵》《精灵鼠小弟》《疯狂麦基》《好心眼的巨人》《波普先生的企鹅》《小房子》从这里面挑出2本写2篇各100个英文单词的英语读后感,水平在六年级左右!急需!
  • 好长哦~ In the splendid 19th-century French literary stars, Victor? Hugo can be said to be the most spectacular of a star. He is a great poet, playwright outstanding reputation, novelist, and the French Romantic literary movement leader and standard-bearer. This works great, "Notre Dame de Paris" is his first caused a sensation of the Romantic novel, and its literary value and the significance of the profound social, it has experienced in nearly two centuries after the time, or in the Today was optimistic COPY, editions, which came to my hands. I read this book in the process, I felt a strong sense of "contrast between Beauty and Ugliness." Book characters and events, even from real life, has been greatly exaggerated and intensified in the writers boldface, a site constitutes a brilliant and bizarre images, a sharp, and even with the incredible good evil, beauty and ugliness contrast. "Notre Dame de Paris" the plot always focus on three individuals: the good and beautiful young Esmeralda, cruel hypocrisy of Notre Dame Fuzhujiao Claude? Fuluoluo ugly appearance and feel noble people bell Gaximo more. Bohemian girl Esmeralda is the darling of the Paris street, Maiyi living on the streets. She naive purity, and be full of compassion, and being ready to help people. Because Burenxinkan see an innocent person being executed, she accepted poet Sweet Fruit watts to do his own name, the husband, to preserve his life; see Gaximo more in the sco……余下全文


  • 必须原创,只要4句以上就行了。谢谢啦。。。。。。。。。。。^v^!!—-—。。
  • 写你自己的


  • 最好是China daily上2014年的新闻,要去180字以上,全英文读后感。谢谢了,写好后请发到Homelily @126.com,必有重谢。
  • 怎么重谢?


  • 周一闭馆,周二至周日拿着身份证就能免费参观。


  • 求方法!!!!no 范文!!!
  • 你要什么书的读后感?


  • 交作业那天穿多点


  • 300个词左右 高三水平就好了 不要太高级的词汇 最好是比较经典的小说 符合有加分
  • 我有悲惨世界,简爱,小妇人,小公主等,怎么发给你?

英语读后感 大学水平

  • 一个男人养了一只狗,叫Spook,后来他要去参军就不得不把狗交给一个朋友养,参军后,他经常写信回去询问狗的情况,但是从来都没有回信,久而久之他认为狗已经死了便放弃写信。四年参军结束,他结了婚,又回到原来那个村庄去看望朋友,结果才发现原来那个朋友继他参军后也去参军,于是狗就被别人寄养,偶然一天他看见了spook,长得比以前壮而且漂亮,在田野间自由的奔跑,他看到此景便满足了。但有一天,spook认出了他,从那开始就一直跟随他,虽然他很感动很思念,但他仍然打算把spook留在村庄,他认为这才是spook应有的生活,只有在这里spook才能自由,于是和妻子悄悄离开了村庄求这个的英语读后感 150词以上
  • 这个电影我看过


  • 如题必须是英文的6是《搜救犬凯里》7是《好吧斯潘凡你赢了》每篇150字左右,不能太幼稚,起码要用到高中生的各种从句语法什么的不许直接发上来,发到我的百 度 邮 箱里
  • 先采纳我就回答